Struggling with tree frog eggs in your pool? Find out how to remove them right way and keep frogs away with these easy prevention and maintenance tips. Tree frogs often lay their eggs in pools.
If you need to remove and prevent tree frog eggs from developing in your pool, here are effective methods to do so safely and efficiently.
Remove Tree Frog Eggs in Your Pool
I’m going to share a 3 steps guide that you can follow and remove tree frog eggs from your pool and also make sure to do some steps so tree frogs dont keep coming back and laying eggs in you pool.
1. Removing Tree Frog Eggs
- Skimming: You can use some pool skimmer or net to scoop out the eggs and dispose of them away from the pool.
- Draining Small Pools: If you have a small pool consider draining it and refilling it with fresh water.
- Vacuuming: If the eggs have sunk to the bottom you can use a pool vacuum to remove them.
2. Killing Tree Frog Eggs
- Chlorine Shock: Increasing chlorine levels to standard pool maintenance levels like at 1-3 ppm will make the water uninhabitable for frog to lay eggs or to even get into the water.
- Saltwater Pools: If you have a saltwater pool you can do some proper maintaining salinity and this will prevent frog eggs from surviving.
- Baking Soda or Vinegar: Adding small amounts of these substances to affected areas will get the job done.
3. Preventing Frogs from Laying Eggs
- Pool Covers: Try and use a pool cover at night to prevent frogs from entering the water.
- Pool Fencing: Installing fine mesh fencing around the pool can keep frogs out.
- Lights Off at Night: Frogs are attracted to light; turning off pool lights can help deter them.
What not to do?
Please try and never use harsh chemicals like some chlorine or other chemicals just to get the job done.
Tree frog eggs in your pool can be removed through manual skimming, chemical treatments, and preventive measures. By maintaining proper pool sanitation and using deterrents, you can keep frogs from laying eggs while minimizing harm to the environment.